Botanical Seven Holistic Market was curated out of the necessity of hair loss. Once I discovered that herbs, oils, spices, teas and tinctures could help the mind, body, and spirit I begin to gather all of earths goodness to create a healing and wellness space for my clients and customers.
The SBS Foot and Body Cleanse Detox online course teaches you how to perform an ionic foot detox with the system that pulls all toxins from the bloodstream through the pores of the feet.
Click this link for payment installments.
Did you know that the feet has the biggest sweat glands and has the most sweat glands on the body?
Do you know how this system detox’s the body?
Do you know what an Ionic Foot Detox is?
Why should you help your community live longer through the SBS Foot and Body Cleanse Detox?
Well in my class you will learn the bodily functions and how the impurities are released from the bloodstream, the organs, and tissues on a cellular level. I encourage people to live a healthier holistic lifestyle through the Traditional Chinese Modality Ionic Foot Detox.
You will learn how to operate the device, the foundations of an Ionic Foot Detox, and body systems. This course comes with the device at no additional cost.
You also get a 2 hour hands on course with me and a model to help you set up and display your equipment properly. The sole purpose of this Modality is to Prevent the onset of hair loss, inflammation, diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s.
Classes start whenever you’re ready!!
Shawné Reddic
Holistic Hair Guru
Botanical Seven’s Holistic Market emcompasses the whole body. Our products are organic, natural, and significant for transforming the mind, body, and spirit. I believe in triangulating the wellness of others by restoring the gut to reset the hair, nails, and skin✅
Our mission is to Protect Your Energy!
Dr. Shawné Reddic
Board Certified Doctor of Natural Medicine, Certified Emotion Code Practitioner, Licensed Cosmetologist, Medical Assistant
Dr. Shawné Reddic, believes in the power of holistic healing, emphasizing the interconnectedness of physical health, mental clarity, emotional balance, and spiritual growth. Through mindfulness techniques, personalized wellness plans, and empowering workshops, Dr. Shawné Reddic guides individuals on a transformative journey towards holistic well-being.